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2010 [sic] State Show - Auctions (Guy Shutt) . . . . . . . . . Apr11(7) 2011 IGS State Show Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(6,7,8,9) 2011 Show Wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(11) 2011 State Show - Auctions (Guy Shutt) . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(7) 2011 State Show Exhibition Winners . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(12) 2012 IGS State Show News . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec11(2) A Word from the Editor (Jesse Glessner) . . . . . . . . . . Dec11(1) Antique Gourd Banjo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(5) Board Meeting - February 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(13) Curcurbit Insect Management (unknown) [reprint] . . . . . . . . Aug11(9) Drying and Harvesting Gourds (John Sturgeon) [reprint] . . . . . . . Dec11(2) Errata in last issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(2) February 12th Meeting - AGS Class for Judge Certification (Phil Moorhead) . . . Feb11(4) February 12th Meeting - Seed Packaging Day (Jesse Glessner) . . . . . . Feb11(4) Flower & Garden Show - Lucas Oil Stadium February 2011 . . . . . . . Apr11(14) Flower & Garden Show - Lucas Oil Stadium March 2011 . . . . . . . Apr11(11) Flower & Garden Show - Lucas Oil Stadium, Feb 2011 . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(14) General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(9) Get Your Competitionk Gourds Started! (Jesse Glessner / Pat Moore) . . . . Dec11(3) Gourd Happenings In Our Gourdgeous World . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(11) Gourd Happenings In Our Gourdgeous World . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(15) Gourd Happenings In Our Gourdgeous World . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(15) Gourd Happenings In Our Gourdgeous World . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(11) Gourd Happenings in Our Gourdgeous World . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(11) Gourd Happenings in our Gourdgeous World . . . . . . . . . . Dec11(11) Gourd Harvest (Ron Bair) [reprint] . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(3) Gourds from the Glessner patch! . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(5) Help/Volunteers Wanted!!! (Bill Freihofer) . . . . . . . . . Feb11(2) Help/Volunteers Wanted!!! (Bill Friehofer) . . . . . . . . . Apr11(2) Helpful Hints for Gourding . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(7) IGS Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(12) IGS Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(16) IGS Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(16) IGS Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(12) IGS Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(12) IGS Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dec11(12) IGS Fall Festival and Memebership Meeting . . . . . . . . . Oct11(2) IGS Seed Prices ... Increasing ... to $3.00 . . . . . . . . . Oct11(9) IGS Show Demo - Perry Riley . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(15) Important - IGS 2011 State Show Workshop Changes . . . . . . . . Feb11(3) Important - IGS 2011 State SHow Workshop Changes (Ida Kennedy) . . . . . Apr11(3) Indiana Gourd Society - 2011 Fall Festival . . . . . . . . . Dec11(4,5,7) Indiana Gourd Society - Judges Training (Phil Moorhead) . . . . . . . Oct11(7) Indiana Gourd Society - Judging Guidelines . . . . . . . . . Oct11(7) Indiana Gourd Society 2011 Fiscal Year End . . . . . . . . . Dec11(9) Indiana Gourd Society Roll of Honor . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(11) Indiana Gourd Society Spring Festival [flier] . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(2) Indiana State Fair - Winners Circle . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(8) Indianapolis Home & Garden Show . . . . . . . . . . . Dec11(9) It's Hot and Getting Hotter! . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(2) Judging Course - February 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(12) Lakeshore Gourders - Summer Events (Alice Pawlowski) . . . . . . . Oct11(4) Mother of Pearl in Gourds (reprint) (Mary Gayle VanIngen) . . . . . . Dec11(8) New Patch Information (Alice Pawlowski) . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(11) New Gourder Growing Among Us! . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(2) Our Patch Place - Lakeshore Gourders - Fall Events (Alice Pawlowski) . . . . Dec11(8) Out of Their Gourds?? . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(2) President's Column: Gourding Is Serious Business (Karen Niemeyer) . . . . . Apr11.1(1) President's Message (Karen Niemeyer) . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(1) President's Message: Communication - or Not (Karen Niemeyer) . . . . . . Apr11(1) President's Message: The Banquet of Friends, The Leftovers of Gourds (Karen Niemeyer) . Feb11(1) President's Message: The V-Word (Karen Niemeyer) . . . . . . . . Oct11(1) Roll of Honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(10) Sadly We Report the Passing of Another Long Term Member [Honey Bear Miller] . . . Feb11(8) Sadly We Report the Passing of Another Long Term Member [Joe Lee] (Patti Lee Klos) . Apr11(10) Sandlady's Gourd Farm [flier] . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(5) Seed Packaging Day - February 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(11) Spring Festival 2011 (Helen Parker) . . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(7) Spring Membership Meeting and Festival (Helen Parker) . . . . . . . Apr11(6) Spring Planting is Not Far Away! (Phil Moorhead) . . . . . . . . Feb11(10) Spring Show 2011 - Martinsville . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(6,7) Spring Vote Coming! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(7) Spring Voting Coming! . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(7) State Show (Jim Ballard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb11(2) State Show 2011 (Jim Ballard) . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11(2) State Show Competition Registration Requested . . . . . . . . . Feb11(2) State Show Competition Registration Requested . . . . . . . . . Apr11(2) The Guts Of Your Gourds . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(8) The Sand Lady's Tornado Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr11.1(13) The Tendril - Time Tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(8) The Wide World of Gourds!! (Mary Gayle VanIngen) . . . . . . . . Aug11(9) Workshops for 2011 IGS State Show W/Changes . . . . . . . . . Feb11(9) Workshops for 2011 IGS State Show W/Changes . . . . . . . . . Apr11(9) WOW! Fall Festival Time Already! (Ida Kennedy) . . . . . . . . Oct11(3) Wow! Where is the year going? . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug11(4) Your Friendly Ways & Means Store . . . . . . . . . . . Oct11(9)
Abel-Pau, Sadie . . Apr11.1(12) Adams, Bonnie . . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Adams, Jim . . . Apr11.1(4) Abner, Carl . . . Apr11.1(6) Abner, Diane . . . Apr11.1(12) Adrian, George . . . Apr11.1(12) Ambler, Kathy . . . Apr11.1(12) Bair, Ron . . . . Apr11(7), Apr11.1(4), Aug11(3), Dec11(7) Ballard, Jim . . . Feb11(2,3,11,12), Apr11(2,3,15,16), Apr11.1(3,6,11,16), Aug11(12), Oct11(1) Ballard, Kole . . . Apr11.1(12) Ballard, Lukas . . . Apr11.1(12) Barber, Bruce (OH) . . Apr11.1(12) Barber, Judy (OH) . . Apr11.1(12) Bascom, Fran . . . Apr11(12) Behnke, Doris (MD) . . Apr11(15) Benedict, Sheri . . Dec11(5,8) Benedict, Sherry . . Apr11.1(12) Benedict, Tom . . . Dec11(5,8) Biggs, Mia . . . Apr11.1(12) Billingsley, Susan . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Black, Jane . . . Aug11(6) Brady, Frank . . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Brady, Joyce . . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Brames, Marilyn . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Brown, Karen (MI) . . Apr11.1(7,12) Burton, Cathy . . . Apr11.1(12) Butler, Sandra . . . Apr11.1(12) Carter, Teresa . . . Apr11.1(3) Clark, Verona . . . Apr11(15) Collins, Jenny . . . Apr11.1(12) Cox, Bonnie . . . Feb11(3,9), Apr11(3,9) Dalton, Darrell (AR) . Apr11.1(12) Dankowski, Joyce (IL) . Feb11(4), Apr11(4), Apr11.1(4), Aug11(4), Oct11(3), Dec11(3,5) Davis, Kevin . . . Apr11.1(12) DeHaven, Delaina . . Feb11(9,12), Apr11(9,12,13,16), Apr11.1(12,16), Aug11(12), Oct11(12), Dec11(12) DeHaven, Kirsten . . Apr11(12), Aug11(12), Oct11(12), Dec11(12) Delaney, Lynia . . . Apr11.1(12) Delaney, Nicki . . . Apr11.1(12) Demares, Kaylie . . Apr11.1(12) DeReamer, Brad . . . Apr11.1(6) Devine, Gary (ON-CANADA) . Apr11.1(12) Dillard, Bob . . . Apr11.1(2) Dillard, Emily . . . Apr11(7) Ehrgott, Sydney . . Apr11.1(12) Ellis, Marion . . . Apr11.1(12) Etnyre, Julia . . . Apr11.1(12) Ferrell, Sue . . . Apr11.1(4) Fincher, Cory . . . Apr11.1(12) Fisher, Abby . . . Apr11.1(12) Friehofer, Bill . . Feb11(1,2,12), Apr11(2,6,12,16), Apr11.1(10,12,16), Aug11(10,12), Oct11(12), Dec11(12) Geise, Karla . . . Apr11.1(4) Glessner, Jesse . . Feb11(4,6,12), Apr11(7,16), Apr11.1(12,16), Aug11(12), Oct11(10,12), Dec11(3,9,11,12) Glover, Julie (MI) . . Apr11.1(4) Gottshath, Brenna . . Apr11.1(12) Harlow, Linda . . . Apr11.1(12) Hart, Jayne . . . Dec11(5) Hart, Phil . . . Dec11(5) Hegg, Michael . . . Dec11(5) Helton, Marla . . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Hester Family . . . Apr11(11) Hickman, Robert . . Apr11.1(12) Hiduke, Lily . . . Apr11.1(12) Hiduke, Mia . . . Apr11.1(12) Hiduke, Robbie . . . Apr11.1(12), Oct11(4), Dec11(8) Hiduke, Tyler . . . Apr11.1(12) Hildred, Sherry . . Apr11.1(12) Hixon, Lyn . . . Apr11.1(4) Hochstetler, Red . . Apr11.1(12) Hogan, June . . . Apr11.1(4) Home, Crickett (TN) . . Apr11.1(3) Home, Jim (TN) . . . Apr11.1(3) Hood, Hunter . . . Apr11.1(12) Howell, Carmen . . . Apr11.1(12) Howell, Jean . . . Apr11.1(11) Hundt-Brown, Karen (MI) . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Irish, Ralph . . . Apr11.1(3,12) Jenkins, Fred . . . Dec11(7) Kearby, Laura . . . Aug11(6) Kennedy, Ida . . . Feb11(3,12), Apr11(3,12,16), Apr11.1(12,16), Oct11(2,3,4) Kennedy, Nancy . . . Apr11.1(12) Kidder, Brenda . . . Apr11.1(12) Kingen, Monte . . . Apr11.1(12) Kingen, Phyllis . . Apr11.1(12) Klos, Patti Lee (MA) . Feb11(6), Apr11(10), Apr11.1(4) Lawson, Ruth . . . Apr11.1(12) Lee, Ann . . . . Feb11(6) Lee, Helen . . . Feb11(6) Lee, Joe . . . . Feb11(3,6), Apr11(1,3,7,10) Loeb, Joanne [sic] . . Apr11(9) Loibl, Joanne . . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Longenecker, Andrea . . Apr11.1(12) Lowry, Jeanie . . . Apr11.1(12) Lunsford, Dallas . . Apr11(12), Apr11.1(6), Oct11(10), Dec11(7) Lunsford, Linda . . Apr11.1(6) Martin, Melody . . . Aug11(2) McCafferty, Linda . . Apr11(6) McCreary, Mac . . . Dec11(7) Meyers, Sid . . . Apr11(7) Millard, Jaden . . . Apr11.1(12) Millard, Jaxon . . . Apr11.1(12) Millard, Jerry . . . Apr11.1(12) Miller, Honey Bear . . Feb11(6,8), Dec11(2) Miller, Khloe . . . Apr11.1(12) Miller, Mary . . . Dec11(2) Miller, Peggy . . . Oct11(4), Dec11(8) Miller, Yvonne . . . Apr11.1(12) Minarik, Ed . . . Apr11.1(12) Moore, Pat . . . Feb11(1,12), Apr11(12,16), Apr11.1(10,12,16), Aug11(2,10,12), Oct11(8,10,12), Dec11(2,3,12) Moorhead, Phil . . . Feb11(1,4,10,12), Apr11(6,12,13,14,15,16), Apr11.1(2,16), Aug11(8,12), Oct11(7,12),Dec11(1,7,9,11,12) Moorhead, Ruth . . . Feb11(4,7), Apr11(6,7,12,13,15), Apr11.1(2), Oct11(7,10) Musgrave, Janice . . Apr11(7) Musgrave, Lee . . . Apr11(7) Munden, Reu . . . Apr11.1(4) Murray, Jayden . . . Apr11.1(12) Murrin, Blanche . . Apr11.1(12), Dec11(8) Nicholson, Diane . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Niedermeyer, Gwen . . Apr11.1(12) Niemeyer, Karen . . Feb11(10,12), Apr11(1,12,13,15,16), Apr11.1(1,2,3,12,16), Aug11(1,12), Oct11(9,11,12), Dec11(1,12) Nonn, Susan . . . Feb11(9), Apr11(9) Norris, Nancy . . . Apr11(7) Orr, Joye . . . . Apr11.1(12), Oct11(5) Parker, Helen . . . Feb11(7,11,12), Apr11(6,7,15,16), Apr11.1(3,10,15,16), Aug11(7,12), Oct11(12), Dec11(12) Parker, Lee . . . Apr11(7), Apr11.1(2) Parson, Elison . . . Apr11.1(12) Parson, Kaden . . . Apr11.1(12) Pawlick, Chris (MI) . . Apr11.1(12) Pawlowski, Alice . . Feb11(9,11), Apr11(3,9), Apr11.1(12), Oct11(4), Dec11(8) Pinkerton, Beverly . . Apr11.1(4) Pressel, Loretta . . Apr11(12), Apr11.1(12), Oct11(4,10), Dec11(5,8) Pressel, Ron . . . Feb11(3,9), Apr11(3,9,12), Apr11.1(10,12), Oct11(4), Dec11(5,8) Ratliff, Carol . . . Apr11.1(12) Reed, Kathy . . . Apr11.1(12) Richards, Megan . . Apr11.1(12) Riley, Perry . . . Apr11.1(1,12,15) Rodriguez, Brenda . . Feb11(7,10), Apr11(7) Rodriguez, Rich . . Feb11(7,10), Apr11(7) Rogers, Carrie . . . Apr11.1(12) Royal, Marilyn . . . Apr11.1(12) Rushton, Carolyn . . Feb11(12), Apr11(7,12,13,16), Apr11.1(7,12,16), Aug11(1,12), Oct11(10,12), Dec11(7,12) Schandelmeier, Jack (IL) . Apr11.1(10) Schmidt, Sally . . . Apr11.1(12) Shutt, Guy . . . Feb11(7), Apr11(6,7), Apr11.1(2), Dec11(11.12) Sterns, Matilda . . Apr11.1(4) Story, Jane . . . Feb11(10) Story, Jim . . . Apr11(6,7), Apr11.1(13), Aug11(2,9,10), Oct11(1,9), Dec11(9) Sturgeon, John . . . Dec11(2) Sullivan, Peg . . . Apr11.1(3) Sullivan, Steve . . Apr11.1(3), Oct11(10), Dec11(1) Tabares, Herland . . Apr11.1(2,12) Terry, Dee . . . Apr11.1(4) Thomas, Helen (Sandlady) . Feb11(1,5), Apr11(5,12), Apr11.1(5,10,12,13), Aug11(2,5), Dec11(6) Thompson, Nyjia . . Apr11.1(12) Toth, Virgil . . . Apr11.1(12) Trees, Mary Lou . . Apr11.1(12) VanIngen, Mary Gayle (OR) Feb11(9), Apr11(9), Aug11(9), Oct11(1), Dec11(8) Wallace, Emily . . . Feb11(6,12), Apr11(12,16), Apr11.1(3,10,12,16), Aug11(12), Oct11(10,11,12), Dec11(11,12) Wallace, Ethan . . . Apr11.1(12) Ward, Gillian . . . Apr11.1(12) Ward, Jan (NM) . . . Feb11(11) Waters, Lynn . . . Dec11(8) Weles, John (IL) . . Apr11.1(4) Werblo, Diane . . . Dec11(7) Westhues, Sue . . . Aug11(7) Whitinger, Barb . . Apr11.1(12) Williams, Grace . . Apr11.1(12) Williams, Robert . . Aug11(2) Williamson, Sasha . . Apr11.1(3) Woodridge, Jim . . . Apr11.1(4) Wright, Cheri (IL) . . Apr11.1(15)