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Ways & Means Sales
All prices include packaging, handling, and shipping costs

Jim Story DVD
"Gourds: From the Vine"

Qty ordered: ____ at $23.00 each
"From Vine to Design"
to accompany DVD

Qty ordered: ____ at $15.00 each
"How to Paint a Gourd"
(Aurelia Conway, author)

Qty ordered: ____ at $13.50 each
"Gourd Purses"
(Aurelia Conway, author)

Qty ordered: ____ at $13.50 each
IGS logo hats and visors
Various colors

Qty ordered: ____ at $14.00 each

Please e-mail Phil Moorhead at treasurer@indianagourdsociety.org with questions.

Print this form and send with check (payable to: Indiana Gourd Society) to the treasurer:
Phil Moorhead
715 E. 48th St
Marion, IN 46953

Copyright © 2021  Indiana Gourd Society, Inc., All Rights Reserved