In Memoriam
Owen Crowder
d: May, 1999
Articles in
Heritage Festival (Owen Crowder) - 96Oct(6)
Owen Crowder - 99Jul(3)
Articles Authored:
Crowder, Owen - 96Oct(6a)
Articles Where Mentioned:
Crowder, Owen - 95Dec(3,7), 96Jun(2), 96Aug(5), 96Oct(4,6,6a), 97Jan(5), 97May(2), 98Sep(8), 99Jan(4,4b), 99Mar(11), 99May(4), 99Jul(3,3b,3m), 07Dec(2) 08Jun(2), 08Dec(3), 09Apr(3), 09Oct(3), 10Jun(11), 11Jun(11), 12May(13), 14Nov(6), 16Sep(7), 18Jan(6), 21Nov(4)
Biography in
Crowder, Owen - 99Jan(4b),99Jul(3b)
Notice of Death:
Crowder, Owen - 99Jul(3m)
issue/page code:
Example: 21Nov(1,2a,6g,8)
First two numbers = issue year
Next three letters = month
In parenthesis, a number alone indicates reference to that page
if a letter follows, the code is:
a = authorship, so in the example, the person authored an article on page 2
b = bio, bio of the person
g = gourd picture, a picture of the person's work is on that page
m = memoriam, this page announced the person's passing
p = photo, this page has a picture of the person
s = show or other picture related to this person
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